Friday, April 16, 2010

A Shadorma* for Poetry Month

Goddess Aurora
Ribbons of brilliance
Are unfurled
The arrival of the king.
Goddess Aurora.
*A shadorma is a Spanish poetic form made up of a stanza of 6 lines (sestet) with no set rhyme scheme. It is a syllabic poem with a meter of 3/5/3/3/7/5.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

In Honor of National Poetry Month...


Thou embark'st on a course for the tower,
Dinh's ka-tet pays haste to the beam;
Thou doth pursue the man in black,
The key to it all, the number nineteen.

Through doors thou pass to where and when;
O guardians, thy beam payeth heed.
A rose shall be much more than a rose
And 'neath it all, lies the number nineteen.

Gaze thine eyes on Maerlyn's magical balls–
Bends o' the Rainbow, have thou seen?
Through Mid-World to End-World, thou travel'st
Sai Roland Deschain's ka-tet of nineteen.